Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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SEO Website Maintenance

Can anyone guarantee Search Engine Optimization or SEO services? You might say nobody can guarantee top placement on the search engines, but you would be wrong. Now, we agree search engine rankings are not directly under our control we don't always succeed in top positions. But we can control our costs. If we don't succeed at getting your site to the top of the search engines, you won't have to pay.

Biznetix' organic search tuning means no false additives no fancy tricks, just clarity and accuracy in your classifications and descriptions. It’s about the search engines understanding your site well enough to present you to customers who are likely looking for your product. This tuning is an involved process of researching the most used terms for your service and making sure those terms show with frequency and accuracy in your site. It may also involve presenting a clear map of your content for the search engine to read.

Maintaining position in the organic listing is more involved, but the resulting success is the difference between a TV commercial and careful product placement during a favorite show. The pay-per-click adwords ads listed to the right of organic results, look like advertisements. Organic listings are more often perceived as honest search results.

Let us handle your SEO campaign, and on a monthly basis, we will tune your site. You get the most up-to-date service, a constant review of how your site is performing, and with our pay for performance service, only pay us when we are successfully generating results.

For a more in-depth presentation of the process, please take advantage of our online skool. BizNetix representatives are available at