Mobile Site Design

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Mobile Site Design

Here at BizNetix we combine professional design with powerful backed technology to deliver best-in-class mobile websites. We will help you mobilize your web presence and give you a customized mobile design.

You will be able to manage your desktop website and your mobile site on one platform, from one location.

Why Have a Mobile Site?

Just because you can see your desktop site on a mobile phone does not mean that it is mobile-friendly. Mobile sites are designed for the smaller screen, with the needs of mobile users in mind. There are many reasons why having a mobile website makes sense...

  • Your current website is not displaying correctly on the smaller screens of mobile devices.
  • Users are doing mobile searches primarily for phone, contact and address information.
  • Your visitors will not stay on a website if they have to zoom to read it.Mobile websites are easier for mobile visitors to take action.
  • Your current site loads very slowly on mobile devices.

A mobile-friendly site will load quicker, be indexed in the mobile search engines and your visitors are more likely to do business with you because you will be able to display exactly what they are looking for. It will help your business connect with customers and drive conversions.

What Users Expect

Users expect their mobile experience to be as good as their desktop experience. They don't want to zoom in to read text, or not be able to easily find what they need.

A bad mobile experience will cost you customers. If users get frustrated on your mobile site and can't find what they were looking for, most likely, they will move on to your competitor's site.

Mobile Applications vs Mobile Websites

A mobile website is similar to any other website in that it consists of browser-based pages that are linked together and accessed over the internet. The obvious characteristic that distinguishes a mobile website from a standard website is the fact that is designed for the smaller handheld display and touch-screen interface.

Moble applications are actual applications that are downloaded and installed on your mobile device, rather than being rendered within a browser. Users visit device-specific protals such as Apple's App Store, or Android Market in order to find and download apps for a given operating system. The app may pull content and data from the Internet, in similar fashion to a website, or it may download the content so that it can be accessed without an Internet connection.

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